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"Turning your donations into
aid for your community"



An important part of the recycling process is to “reuse.”  Clothing that seems old or outdated will seem new and wonderful to a person

seeing it for the first time at a thrift store.  These thrift stores serve as additional outlets for families to purchase clothing and provide much needed jobs in the community.  Put your clothing to greater use and allow someone else to enjoy it while lessening your carbon footprint!


Many people ask, “What do you do with clothing that cannot be worn?” The answer is “RECYCLE IT!”.” All forms of textiles can be recycled and turned into a variety of things from rags to carpet padding. Each year the average American throws out an estimated 70lbs of clothing.

Why put these items in local landfills when they can be turned into other useful items?  The answer is simple “Don’t throw your clothes away!  Donate them today!”

Go Green and Support a Charity

You are helping to protect the environment and supporting a charity each time you choose to donate your unwanted items rather than throwing them in the trash.  This simple choice will have lasting effects for future generations and bring much needed revenue to local non-profit charities who depend on our support. It’s a win win situation.  Get organized and give back today!

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